Wouldn't be bad if we get a VIP ticket 1 day
1 day VIP ticket
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Share22017-08-31 09:34:26
U get one at prestige lv 1
Share32017-09-14 14:40:44
it would not be bad, create an event where the prize was 1 hour vip scroll! or add to online tokens npc 24 tokens = 1h vip scroll
the server needs more people online, even being afk, to collect the online tokens, who enters the server for the first time, does not see the server with 100 accounts online or less! for this you have to create good things that can only be achieved with online tokens! to force people to be online!
Share42017-09-14 16:58:21
I support this suggestion! FREE BUMP!
Share52017-09-15 02:48:01
I mean 1 day VIP in Donor shop
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