Thank your for your suggestions
1. & 2. =
The Drop Rate can be increased but we got a customized drop system, that works differently from the other Pservers.
Ours is like the official v19 System, if you kill a Monster you have the chance to drop a certain group of Items, for example Weapon Item Group, Card Group, Bead Group, etc.
if we increase the drop of a monster, we have to increase the group Drop rate.
And if you dont have Increase Drop attribute, you will only drop 1 Item group.
Meaning if you got no Increased Drop, you will just get 1 group and thats it, doing a hard dungeon and only getting 1 Card or 1 Weapon sucks, dosent it?
Thats why we got Increase Drop attribute, it works like killing the monster again - which means you have the chance to drop 1 item group again randomly.
This way you can drop Cards, Weapons and other stuff with a single Kill. (Instead of dropping just 1 kind of Item)
Actually its not really hard, just make sure to be in a party, activate drop scroll, wear the drop cloak, use couple skills and guild buff.
Then you will drop plenty.
If a RM buffs you then its even more.
But i will increase the Drop for Tramnuk Weapons a little bit, but they are actually a little low, so people go more into Aminus Non-Master, to get their weapons as i said its much higher in drop rate there. Tramnuk is such an easy dungeon, you do it in 2-3 mins Solo, Its stupid if you drop 1 weapon with each run. (But you will do drop 1 weapon with every or every other run, if your Drop is +5 or higher.)
3. =
its not COH, its cloak of Drop and the design (skin/model) of the Cloak of Drop is the same as the Beginner cloak model, so there could be plenty of people with that cloak without you knowing it!
3 1/2 =
The first dungeons are Easy, its very easy to Farm CW (Solo), Red Meteo (Solo), Tramnuk (Solo), Master Tramnuk (Solo), Aminus Normal (Tank + DMG Dealer).
Tramnuk is done so easily, with a YJ or Psy and if you got +5 Drop or higher you will drop almost 1 weapon with each run EASILY!!
Aminus Normal has 3x more chance on getting a Weapon than on Tramnuk, and you also can drop (A) Cards!
Red Meteo drops good Hybrid DMG/HP sets and can be solo'ed with a Blade, same goes for CW - it drops Eggs and good jewelry.
So how easy you want the dungeons to be? Solo Aminus and drop 8 Weapons? Sorry this is not a highrate or GW server.
4. =
We have a farm map for penya, Its Skandria. You drop up to 50% more penya there.
If its still to low you can do Prestige Level, The prestige ruby Jewelry Set gives +20% Penya Rate.
Optional you can get VIP which also gives 25% Penya.
Power Ups Cost too much? You drop 120~150k each mob. Kill 10 mobs for 1 Refresher Hold/Vital X, thats 1 small AoE.
Kill 15 Mobs for an Upcut stone, or 12 for a Sprint.
2-3 Aoes for grilled eel.
And those power ups last you 1 hour.
I dont get the problem??? Do you want powerups for 100k?
We can do this, and after 3 weeks NO ONE will sell items For Penya because no one will need to Buy NPC Items.
5. =
Awakes make an item unique, if awakes are like 50-100k penya, everyone will go for 3x 28 Awakes and any item which is not perfectly awaked is worthless.
This is more of a highrate feature.
A midrate server should have Awakes or Rates that makes it worth having a almost perfect awaked item or even perfect.
This way new players can make some money, if they are lucky and awake an item kinda good, they can sell those for DPs or Penya.
but if everyone can do 3x 28 because the awakes are so cheap, no one will buy or look for good awaked stuff.
This ruins the market.
6. =
Yes i admit that, im working on an advertisement, right now im checking for the prices for a Facebook advertisment but its quite expensive but i will buy it to get more users soon.
A Youtube Video advertisement will come soon, as i will start a Video contest the next days. But making a Video of an empty server dosent look so good huh? Thats why we dont have it yet