Tank said bp/YJ switch to damage gear, get rm in with hc, done. Again - no one bring rm to siege ( havent yet to see one). Bp asal is on a 30s CD and if you have the gear to tank the bp, they become useless for the next 30s unless 1v1 gear. In order to stop them ( buff breaker, wind field, get more speed, sleep, sneak etc..) and since its spammable you can stop them even for a brief moment. Ok you csn spam holy thats why add in a small cd and in those few second you'd habe enough speed to get to the bp and land at least 2 hit on. And by increasing cd of remantis by 1-2s or longer ( need to test first) it allow anyone to take damage without heal ( beside rhisis and prev) for 3-4s or longer etc...
Errr.... "make sleep/sneak 3-5s duration" u do realise that sleep is spammable right with 100% chance? Unless you mean make the cooldown of it 3-5s which then bring us to another problem of speed( cant hit people if they are too fast or out of range and if you increase sleep duration but then by how long? 3-5s? But if the bp is a solo player he can just make a rm and spam gurv on the bp so it make sleep useless again.)
And idk why AOE stun for boss is a bad thing except that it cause stun bug. That then become your main concern as you cant rebuff or damage etc.. when you get debuff by boss. Still agree on increasing heal for rm. If you want to remove aoe stun for this reason then sure i agree 100%.
Ok healing rm in siege and gurv. First is healing base off int or sta cause you want rm to be able to tank otherwise after soul of rhisis ur ded. And second of all healing? Srly? Heal how much? Have you seen people damage? Guarantee remove remantis and you see ranger full dex everywhere. Gurv, well i believe i stated this before but got ignored: what happen when the rm is stun/sleep/sneak etc ... who will save the team? The team with the first debuff and can spam the most win. If you really want to use Gurv then nerf all the crowd control and debuff skill so its not spamable, CD is longer than duration and yes then you can remove holy scroll. Cause duration > cd with 100% you have something call Permanent.
Have yet to see a blade dedicated to siege/ pvp yet - correct me if im wrong.
Ranger atk are auto if im not mistaken. - 1 shot atleast 200k hp full dex
Psy and arcan atk are not single hitter so cant burst High sta enemy but got the utility to do so.
YJ unless you are like full str you may or may not 1 shot people. Can probs 1 shot when pair with rm
Knight- sneak spam, hp, could potentially do damage to assist team
Rm- i seen a pvp rm and he hit 110k crit in rumble. A pvp rm.
Blade- seen a blade in rumble once, nowhere else.
Now unless you have fully build a blade to siege and you find it hard then ok, your class or other class need buff/nerf. I mean im currently build my arcan and me and other already seen it potentials - look at Lupin. Psy is a thing already with nice burst, debuff and can tank well. Ranger as stated before can hit rly hard full dex. YJ- im pretty sure you are refering to BoBo, he got tank gear and worked hard to perfect his gear. Knight- well its knight what you expect, they got reflect damage which can be annoying and unkillable with remantis ( why people dont complain about knight doe). Blade- cant say much since havent seen it. Rm is Rm and as stated before can do damage while tanking. Bp as stated before in last post can be overwhelmed by numbers and debuff.
Last edited by Misaka (2017-09-11 02:54:28)