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You are here » Fame-War Official Forum » Suggestions » who need topaz,ruby,sapphire and emeralds? / collector field!

who need topaz,ruby,sapphire and emeralds? / collector field!

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Hello everyone, I wonder if someone uses topaz, ruby, saphira and emerals?
my suggestion was to create a npc to change the jewels:
10x topaz = 1 ruby
10x ruby = 1 saphira
10x saphira = 1 emerals
10x emeralds = 1 diamond
30x diamonds = 1black diamond

And please reduce on the collect field the silver battery and the rings / demols etc! i have tons and of course the price is very low!

Last edited by RicardoPT (2017-09-14 17:45:40)



As long as they keep a good rate on remas and holy scrolls I'm fine with it.  :rofl:


You are here » Fame-War Official Forum » Suggestions » who need topaz,ruby,sapphire and emeralds? / collector field!