Scrolls & etc.:
➡️Scroll of holy= 2 second CD (So it wont be OP on game)
➡️Remantis= 2 second CD (So it wont be OP on game)
➡️Pet Beads= Make it 7 days and increase the price of it
➡️Scroll of Unbindding = make it available on vote shop
➡️Scroll of Model change= make it available on vote shop
➡️VIP 1 Day= make it available on vote shop
➡️Skandria ticket: Lower the price on Vote shop
➡️Amp Q(1 Hour) put on vote shop so non donors can buy it also.
➡️add new weapon skins
➡️add new cloak skins
➡️Increase the penya capacity on invintory so we can vend higher than 2b penya
➡️Offline vendor will be great you can vend even your offline to save electricity
Collection area:
➡️Remove Sunstone
➡️Remove Moonstone
➡️Remove No Disguise
➡️Remove Baby Aibatt
VIP benefits:
➡️Increase the inventory slots
➡️Can see monster HP
➡️No decrease EXP if got died
➡️Make RM/Seraph buffs duration to 1 hour
➡️Friendship sometimes not working
➡️Scroll of party skills make Leader only can use it or ➡️make all PT scrolls to 999999
➡️Catacombs dungeon: going on 2nd floor always DC if pet is on
➡️Crystal Mateo: going on 2nd floor always DC if pet is on
➡️Skandria: Spiders area so much lag especially when luring monsters
➡️currently players on the server is pretty low we need to encourage some players to play on this server
Ok, Thats all for now.
Thank you for reading it
More Power Fame-War!
Last edited by ardeftx (2017-09-18 14:07:36)