Make monster clash avaible every 12 hours (If this happens, increase the exchange rate of lucifers to 150/175/200k instead of 100k).
In rumble, make the spawns NOT on the pang. Some people go afk on the pang and it is very annoying to try to get buffs.
Make Q amps more accesible for people who don't donate. IDK maybe Rumble for a decent ammount. Rock paper scissors are random so it is way too hard to win one of those amps.
With the Q amps, people will try to level more and have a motivations instead of just hunting the normal Aminus. And Rumble will get more people.
Talking about Rock paper scissors, make a list on the rewards on it.
Everybody on Siege (Who kills and stuff) gets a little bit of RC.
Make the vaccuum cards give EXP (little bit) instead of FP and earthquake melee/range block.
Make invasions!, or let gm summon some monsters since a lot of hunters gets online at my time and just walks around the town.
Later on i'll post more
Last edited by john018 (2017-09-16 01:17:47)