We started a Video Contest on our Forums!
-> You can win 1.000 DPs
Here: Video Contest WIN 1000 DPs!!!
These are the Patchnotes of 16th July:
- You can now Vote with your PC and with your Cellphone (3G/LTE)
- Increased Remantis Laccote Collecting Chance by 5x
- Increased Silver Battery Collecting Chance by 6x
- Cheer Increases your EXP by 30%
- Added a New Vote Box to the Vote Shop ingame.
(It can contain a lot of Remantis, Upgrade Scrolls, Power Ups, and even a Scroll of Model Chance.
- The chance to get Remantis from Aminus Boxes is much higher now.
- The Dungeon Token Drop Rate Increased by 2x
- Aminus Hero Drakul damage reduced a little bit
- Aminus Normal Drakul can Drop v15 Jewelry Sets
- Increased Luzaka Master Drop Rate a little bit
- Alpha Clockworks which spawns every 12 Hours in PVP Arena, can drop Plenty of Premium Items such as Remantis, Upgrade Scrolls, and much more. It also drops large amounts of Penya.
- Increased Penya Drop on Skandria a little bit
- Prestige Jewelry Set gives 25% Penya Drop if its Upgraded to +20
- Dungeon Token Egg Price reduced to 150.
- Pet EXP for (A) Level Pets increased by 50%
- Increased Crackshooter HP a little bit.
- New Categories on the Web Shop (Exclusive & Sale) for limited time offers!
- Ultra Medicine Box for 350 Vote Points and 90 DPs
It Contains one of 3 Medicines that can either increase your EXP by 200% or your Drop by+3 or your Penya by +50% for 30 Min.
> Available from 17.07.2017 to 23.07.2017
- Red Lizard Dragon Bundle for 990 DPs
Contains a Limited Edition Red Lizard Dragon Stated Buff Pet and 30 Days VIP, 3x Scroll of Ultimate Fortune, 50x Remantis Laccotte.
> Available NOW untill 19.03.2017