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Server Peak

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hey guys.
we got a new highest ServerPeak.
But i think there are online 50-60 players who are playing at this time.
The other characters are just there to collect or for filling partys.

Maybe you can make a check to see how many players are real playing.

sry for my german english:D

see ya ingame




We got close to 350 players as our new peak.
And maybe 100-150 of those are collector chars..
200 are active players, from different time zones.
We have many phillipine players and some americans too.
We ar gtop100 on 5th place

Over forsaken and floral flyff (as a german guy u should know those servers very well, they are very crowded!)

Do u think we get 5th with 50 players? U must be kidding haha



Sry but this make no sense.
350 is Peak.
you say 100-150 players are Collecting.
Everybody has at least 1 or 2 Collecting Characters.

There are guys who collecting with more than 10 chars at the same time. ( at Darkon ,,Andi...")
Do you really think he is the only one who do this?

Check the Partys, how many partyfillers are just Collecting.

Lets say there are maybe 100 Active guys.
That's all.

Just look at this moment how many players are online and then check the 3 Collecting Fields.



.dee wrote:

Sry but this make no sense.
350 is Peak.
you say 100-150 players are Collecting.
Everybody has at least 1 or 2 Collecting Characters.

There are guys who collecting with more than 10 chars at the same time. ( at Darkon ,,Andi...")
Do you really think he is the only one who do this?

Check the Partys, how many partyfillers are just Collecting.

Lets say there are maybe 100 Active guys.
That's all.

Just look at this moment how many players are online and then check the 3 Collecting Fields.

What exactly is your point lol ?

Play the game and enjoy, I dont see how collectors will stop you from doing that

Last edited by Angel (2017-08-07 12:02:06)





You are here » Fame-War Official Forum » General Discussion » Server Peak